Meet Jo
My journey of personal experience, working with health professionals, study, clinical experience and being a naturopath at a leading health supplement company enabled me to get back to vibrant health.
I'm so passionate about natural health that I want to help you find your way to be the healthiest and happiest you. When you are in alignment with the laws of life, you can't help but feel great.

How can I
help you?
A consultation can help support your health goals and recovery from many ailments including:
- Digestive complaints - bloating, reflux, constipation, diarrhoea, ulcers, food intolerances, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other bowel disorders.
- Low energy & vitality - tiredness, poor recovery from exercise.
- Stress management - inability to cope, irritability, anxiety, excessive worry.
Is there a need for supplements?
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Flower Essences
Life has a flow to it that if we follow our internal guidance system we can have all of our heart's desires. With feelings of love, joy, hope, gratitude, passion, excitement, enthusiasm and satisfaction being the dominant emotion then we're in the flow of life and will attract more of these feelings.
Flower Essences
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"I've got drops for that!"
— Jo Clarke
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Holistic Nutrition & Sports Nutrition
Whole, natural and unprocessed food and drink are the most nourishing, health giving foods we can consume. Nothing in the world can replace a diet rich in whole foods that are the building blocks of health and vitality. Of course every person is different and it is important to notice which food and drink enhance your health and which food and drink take away from your health.

“I have always had tummy issues, pain, bloating and low energy. When I began the Homeobotanical drops with Jo Clarke, I got back into my favourite clothes that I had put aside.”