About Flower Essences
“In nature nothing exists in isolation. Everything is connected to everything else in vital sacred living relationship with the spiritual forces of the land”
Flower Essences
Life has a flow to it that if we follow our internal guidance system we can have all of our heart's desires.
With feelings of love, joy, hope, gratitude, passion, excitement, enthusiasm and satisfaction being the dominant emotion then we're in the flow of life and will attract more of these feelings.
However sometimes certain beliefs or stressful traumatic experiences can lead to feelings of disappointment, boredom, irritation, worry, anger, hate, criticism, envy, guilt, fear, and despair.
These feelings can indicate you're out of alignment or resisting the greater flow of life.
Gentle but effective remedies that can help transform negative feelings into their positive opposite are flower essences. For example, Pohutukawa is the first flower essence, of the set, which transforms those feelings of "can't say 'no'" into feelings of initiative, personal will power, and strong sense of self.
First Light® Flower Essences of New Zealand
A comprehensive range of 84 flower and plant essences made from the unique native flora of New Zealand.
Vibrational remedies to support holistic wellbeing and to gently restore emotional and spiritual harmony.
A powerful yet gentle means of transformation.
Experience the Spirit of Aotearoa with your specially tailored 25ml blend in an easy-to-take dropper bottle.
Formulas are suitable for all ages.