About Atua Energy Healing


What is Atua?

Atua means ‘gods’ or ‘goddesses’ in the Maori language.

Maori culture believes that our our ancestors travel with us through our lives, and help us connect with the energies of the Atua. This, in turn, helps us tune in to our innate healing gifts, or what we call in Atua Healing our ‘infinite wise self’, which enables healing to take place regardless of our faith or beliefs.


What type of healing does Atua provide?

As humans we react physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually to life events, whether it’s a traumatic childhood, stressful work situation or abusive relationships. Over a period of time, this may cause blockages in a person’s energy flow and lead to unhealthy repetitive patterns that might prevent us from living life to the full. These patterns could include lack of self-esteem, courage, self-belief, not taking enough ‘me time’, an unhealthy relationship with food or alcohol, as well as anxiety and depression.

The goal of Atua Healing is to remove these unhealthy behaviours by creating a path for our energy to flow again, allowing us to reach our true potential in every area of our life. What sets Atua apart from many other healing modalities is that it is painless on a physical, mental and emotional level, as it does not require a person having to re-live their trauma, but instead shifts your energy in a gentle yet powerful manner. Hence it is suitable for absolutely everyone: adult women and men, children, teenagers, the elderly and pregnant women.


What can I expect when receiving Atua healing from Jo?

Everybody has a unique energy signature, which is the result of us reacting to traumatic life events, and unconsciously holding on to this trauma. Atua healing is a non-invasive form of energy healing and will not impact on any other medical or alternative treatment you may be receiving, or interfere with any prescribed medicines or natural supplements you are taking.

During a healing session you will remain fully clothed while lying down. A cover will be placed over your body to make sure you feel safe and comfortable. Jo's hands will remain above your body without touching you during the healing session, although at some point she may gently hold your (covered) feet or shoulders.


What are the benefits of Atua Healing

·       Reduces stress and promotes relaxation

·       Helps change unhealthy behaviours, such as food or alcohol addictions

·       Relieves tension and fatigue

·       Promotes free range of movement in the body

·       Promotes emotional stability and resilience

·       Helps manage mental stress, anxiety and trauma

·       Boosts confidence and courage

·       Shifts procrastination

·       Helps release painful memories, without reliving them