“Let food be thy medicine & medicine be thy food”
Holistic Nutrition
Whole, natural and unprocessed food and drink are the most nourishing, health giving foods we can consume.
Nothing in the world can replace a diet rich in whole foods that are the building blocks of health and vitality.
Of course every person is different and it is important to notice which food and drink enhance your health and which food and drink take away from your health.
The right amount of hydration, macro-nutrients (carbohydrates, protein and fats) and micro-nutrients (vitamins and minerals) are critical for your body to work efficiently so you can feel great.
Never ignore an ailment as this is your body's way of getting your attention to alert you to its needs.
With Jo's guidance on the what, hows and whys of nutrition, you'll be well on your way to feeling great.
Holistic Sports Nutrition
Increased physical activity brings increased nutritional needs.
It is important to get the right nutrition, at the right time, for faster recovery time, optimal muscle growth and health.
Jo uses a holistic approach to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
It's not just about calories in and calories out.
Jo will consider all your body systems, emotional health and beliefs that may be hindering your progress.
For example, this includes assessing diet, liver function, hormonal balance, stress levels, gut bacteria, thyroid function - just some of the things that impact on whether you achieve your health and fitness goals.